972-529-6151 [email protected]

About Us

About Sauls Wrecker Service

Sauls Wrecker Service has been providing the highest quality service in the towing industry since 1956. Our founder, Lloyd Sauls, started by fixing up old cars and selling them. In 1959, Lloyd and his father-in-law bought a piece of land off of Highway 380 to allow room for the growing business. They drove to Arkansas to get lumber directly from a sawmill, then built the structures that are still used today.

The fence around Sauls is not original. Back in the 1950s, businesses—including Sauls—used chain link fences. So this hard-working lot, with wrecked cars and a succession of damaged vehicles, was clearly visible from the highway. Lady Bird Johnson was not pleased. In 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson, Congress passed the Highway Beautification Act and as a result Sauls—like many other businesses–got a new fence, 10’ tall, that blocks the lot from highway view. Now, over 50 years later, the fence still stands.

Ownership of Sauls passed from the Sauls family to the current owner, Keith LaFollett, in 2006. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, Sauls has not closed a single day since 1972. As this tradition of service continues into a new generation, the company remains committed to the values of hard work and personal attention that are uniquely Sauls.

Meet our team

owner of Sauls Wrecker service Keith

Keith LaFollett

Owner, 25+ years

sauls wrecker service employee

Marco Aguero

Manager, 17 Years

sauls wrecker service driver Nic

Nic Melgar

Driver, 12 Years

sauls wrecker service employee and driver

Courtney Simmons

Driver, 4 Years

sauls wrecker service employee and driver

Ronnie Weldon

Driver, 10 Years

sauls wrecker service and towing yard dog lucy


The resident “Yard Dog”

Our Trucks

Notice anything special about our trucks? Along with the distinctive black and yellow design, we’ve named each truck for one of our favorite Texas Rangers! Yes, we are big baseball fans and we believe in supporting our local guys. We recently upgraded our fleet, so you’ll know Sauls has arrived when the Rangers come to your aid. Have a favorite player? Let us know and we may just name our next truck after him!

sauls wrecker service tow truck

Truck #29, Beltre

The Beltre truck is named for #29 Adrian Beltre – “The Captain” – famous for his home run knee drop. This powerhouse hitter plays third base for the Rangers.

Truck #7, Pudge

Who doesn’t love Pudge? Our #7 truck is named for Pudge Rodriguez, our favorite retired catcher newly elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Once he is inducted, his #7 will officially be retired by the Rangers. Our #7 will keep rolling.

Truck #34, Nolan

Our #34 truck packs a punch! It’s named for retired Rangers pitcher Nolan Ryan, the all-time leader in no hitters and one of just a handful of pitchers to pitch in four different decades: 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Nolan may have retired, but our Ryan Express is going strong.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, we’re here to help!